AGM Tonight!

March 22, 2011 in events by megiana

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder that tonight is our AGM. Please come along to either stand for a position or use your vote and ensure we get a good strong committee for next year.

AGM: Tonight, 5pm, committee room 1, QMU
Immediately after: 6.15pm, end of term social, Common Rooms, Byres Road, food provided and drinks on tap!

The meeting will run as follows:

* Opening with presidents review followed by the treasurers report.
* The elections for next years committee will then take place in the following order:

2)Vice president
5)Fundraising coordinator
6)Campaigns coordinator
7)Publicity officer
8)Website convener
9)Ordinary board member

* Anyone wishing to stand will be asked to say a few words and then leave the room for voting to take place.
* The evening shall be finished up with some closing words and finally we have a wee surprise!

Immediately after the meeting we shall be having our end of term social. Common Rooms on Byres road

Even if you can’t make the AGM do come and join us at the social and anyone running off to STAR, we’ll still be there after 7 so come on down!

