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Pub Quiz 2014 Photos!
Thanks to everyone who braved the terrible weather on Sunday to come along and make it a great night. We’re totalling up the counts still but it looks like we made over £200; in part thanks to everyone’s generosity; and moreover the winning team re-gifting their winnings! You guys rock! In fact, you all deserve one of these:
Feel free to use that wherever. Essays, Linkedin, CVs…
Photos (thanks to Alex for taking these!):
Meeting 5 – Ferguson (Photos)
Thanks to Sarah for the presentations and to Alex for talking us through the current situation. Great work to everyone who wrote a letter too- we have a big stack to send! Letters are really vital to the work the Amnesty International does, and every one counts.
Be sure to check out and share the #FergusonOctober photo petition photos from the meeting too!
Photos from Meeting 3: Elections and Death Penalty
A big big well done to everyone who stood in the elections today, it’s not easy to talk in front of everyone. I wish we could have taken you all onto the committee, I really do. Congratulations to Joe, Sarah and Seb though!
There were some great ideas for banners bandied about this afternoon to for our Death Penalty demo on Friday- can’t wait to see the results!