Photos From the First Meeting of 2013
- Nathan
- Martin
Hello everyone!
Hope you are all well and happy.
Tomorrow’s meeting
We’re in Committee Room 1 in the QMU at 5pm. It’s on the third floor and if you’re lost we’ll have some Amnesty folk in the foyer to direct you!
We’ll continue looking at the arms trade, and start watching Lord of War, and Amnesty endorsed film about the trade. We’ll also get tickets sorted for The Secret Policeman’s Ball (which is this Saturday- eek!). If you took tickets away, please try to bring in the money to tomorrow’s meeting! If you have some spares, bring them back in, or if you can still sell some please keep them!
Coming up
– The Secret Policeman’s Ball 2012: THIS SATURDAY 4th February, 7:30pm. Our annual night of stand-up comedy and sketches is almost upon us! Loads of you having been working hard on this selling tickets, flyering, postering etc, and it’s the final push this week. If you haven’t got a ticket yet, do snap one up asap as they are selling faster now: here’s the online booking link:, and here’s the Facebook event page:!/events/195138300581324/. You can also buy tickets from the QMU box office!
– Arms Trade Treaty event with Amnesty Scotland: Monday 13th February: We’re in the planning stages of an event with Amnesty Scotland raising awareness about the Arms Trade treaty. At the moment we’re planning on having a few speakers, a debate and some interviews; as I get the details I’ll let you know! In the meantime follow this link for background information:
I’ll see you all tomorrow at the meeting or on Saturday at the ball!
Please join our Facebook group:
Hi everyone!
Sorry this mailing is a day late!
Thanks to those who came to the pub quiz with Mary’s Meals last night – we had a great turnout! Hope you had fun! I’ll let you know how much money has been raised when it’s all counted up.
This week’s meeting
This week we are back in Qudos in the QMU, 5pm, Tuesday.
We’ll continue to focus on Guantanamo Bay, then for some encouragement take a look at some Amnesty success stories over the last few months! If you’re new this semester, we’ll have a table dedicated to introducing the charity and society.
As well as this, we’ll crack on with Secret Policeman’s Ball planning!
Coming up
THE SECRET POLICEMAN’S BALL 2012, Saturday 4th February: Our biggest event of the year is less than three weeks away! If you’ve not heard of it, this is a night of stand-up comedy and sketches all hosted by the brilliant Billy Kirkwood- keep your eyes peeled for posters up around campus and in the QMU. Tickets are only £5 and are available from the QMU box office and online at snap ’em up!
Last week we had loads of people offering to help- thanks so much! We have thousands of fliers arriving this week so we need plenty more people to scatter them around Glasgow. Here’s the event page for more info:
We also want to hold a bake sale to help promote The Secret Policeman’s Ball and a Guantanamo campaign on campus, but we’ll discuss that tomorrow and I’ll send you more details if you can’t make it to the meeting.
See you soon!
Please join our Facebook group:
Hi everyone! We’re back in committee room 1, 5pm in the QMU tomorrow. We’ve got loads coming up in the next few weeks so please come and get involved!
After this week’s events- the execution of death row prisoner Troy Davis in Georgia, USA- we’re going to take a look at issues surrounding the death penalty, Amnesty’s work regarding this and take some action on behalf of individuals suffering as a consequence of its existence around the world.
It was great to see so many new (and old) faces last Tuesday, looking forward to meeting more of you tomorrow!
Thanks to everyone who came along to our first meeting, hope to see you next week and beyond!
Hello freshers and regular attendees all! We’d love it if you could come along to our first meeting of the 2011-2012 year tomorrow (Tuesday) 20 September in the QMU! This and subsequent meetings will be held on the third floor (take the lift or back stairs) Committee Room 1 at 5 PM. Please drop by and say hello 🙂
Afterwards (~6 PM), we will be heading to the Common Rooms on Byres Road for our first introductory social, so if you can’t make the meeting, please come along for that!
Hello GU Amnesty,
Tuesday 8th February
* Meeting: 5pm, committee room 1, QMU. Urgent Actions – Egypt and Pakistan
* Meal: Di Maggio’s West End, 7pm. All welcome (table booked with enough over spill for a few last minuters!) This is to celebrate our successful Secret Policeman’s Ball and first term. We have raised a fantastic amount of money so far and deserve some socialising! Hope you can join us.
Amnesty, STAR and Red Cross’s annual ceilidh shall be taking place on Sunday 6th March in Qudos in the QMU. We are currently battling to find a ceilidh band who will offer a reduced rate for charity. If anyone knows of a ceilidh band that might do this for us please please ask and let us know! That would be amazing!
Thanks everyone
Hello everyone,
Happy New Year to you all. I hope you’ve had a nice relaxing time off and are back feeling refreshed for a new term filled with Amnesty fun! There are lots of exciting things coming up over the next few weeks and whilst essay deadlines and exams are still nice and far off, I hope you’re all as excited as I am!
What’s coming up?
* Tuesday 11th January – 8th Anniversary of the opening of Guantanamo Bay.
1. Refreshers Fair: 1pm – 5pm, Qudos, QMU. All help welcomed for half an hour here and there – we’ll be petitioning for those still detained in Guantanamo as well as hosting a stall to promote our society.
2. First Meeting: 5pm – 6pm, Committee room 1, QMU. We shall be a) making plans for Secret Policeman’s Ball preparation. b) Appealing to release Shaker Aamer from Guantanamo. Please bring along a postcard/photograph/something along those lines of your hometown for the action this week.
* Next Week: Exact dates TBC at Tuesday’s meeting-cake stalls and flyering for the Secret Policeman’s Ball.
* Saturday 22nd January: The Secret Policeman’s Ball, 7.30pm, £5, Qudos, QMU. Not to be missed!!! All information at
Hello everyone,
I hope everyone is keeping steady and warm during this freezingness. Tonight is our last meeting of the semester so if anyone fancies a study break and partaking in a wee quiz and some making of greetings cards then skate down at 5pm, QMU, as usual.
Friday 10th December: Troy Day, 11.30am, Queen Street Station.
Fingers crossed we can get across to Edinburgh on Friday for the Troy Davis demonstration. All information at this link:
Anyone who is coming please let me know so we have an idea of who shall be joining us. Either reply on here or text me on 07842094672.
Thanks and good luck to everyone with deadlines and exams.
Hello everyone,
I hope you are all well on this pivotal day! Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma’s opposition leader and our longest-serving prisoner of conscience, has finally been released after spending 15 of the last 21 years under house arrest! Everyone who has ever taken part in any of the Burma campaign…you made a difference and here is the evidence! However, although it’s fantastic news and certainly provides hope there are still 2,200 political prisoners behind bars in Burma and the fight doesn’t end here.
Monday 15th November: 5pm, Jim’s bar, QMU, Amnesty funternational preparation meeting. (more details below)
Tuesday’s meeting: A call for celebration, let’s take some recognition for Suu Kyi’s release! We shall also be looking at some of Amnesty’s latest campaigns, violence against women, Scottish gypsy travellers and the ongoing Burmese battle. Come along on Tuesday for some debate, activism and a wee celebrate!
Wednesday 17th November: Film screening following last weeks talk on Falun Gong practitioners. The film shall concentrate on the horrific Organ harvesting that takes place and will finish with some ending comments from Yu Yu Williamson. 6pm, Boyd Orr, lecture theatre B, level 4.
Sunday 21st November: Amnesty Funternational, 8pm, £3, Jims bar, QMU.!/event.php?eid=176376639043011
Coming up: GU amnesty love Christmas and what a chance to utilise for fundraising initiatives. Details shall be given out on Tuesday but over the coming weeks we’re looking to put together a carol singing group, get crafty making some christmassy decorations/cards and organise a winter folk night!
Aung San Suu Kyi:
The message here is not to be fooled. There is still a huge way to go in Burma. However, we can be pleased that a step in the right direction has been taken and so although we’re going to celebrate let’s not forget those who are still behind bars,
Amnesty Funternational Prep:
Sunday see’s our latest fundraising effort and we’re asking for any help people can give. If you’d like to be involved come along to the planning meeting tomorrow at 5pm in Jims bar. We shall be discussing raffle prizes, games, quizzes, music, cakes and anything that people would like to see at the event. Bring out your inner child!
Thanks very much and thank you for all your continued dedication.