*ROOM CHANGE* – Wednesday 17 November: Organ Harvesting in China

Hi everyone,

There’s been a double booking and so we’ve been reallocated for Wednesday night’s film screening:

Wednesday 17th November, 6pm, Room 435, cap 16, The St Andrew’s Building: Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners in China.


Falun Gong Logo

Flash Mob Finalised Plans

Hello everyone!

So, after deciding last night that we would postpone the flash mob again because of the forecast rain, it’s (typically!) not rained at all today!

Never mind, Flash mob this Friday 5th November, 11am-2pm. Forecast is for dry weather so let’s all cross our fingers and toes and go implement all the hard work we’ve put in over the past few weeks making props and getting prepared! I for one will be there no matter what, i promise, promise Friday is the day!

This e-mail is a plea for folk to let me know when they’re available on Friday so i can draw up a wee rota.

The Plan:

On the hours of 11am,12pm and 1pm as many of us as possible will commune on the library hill to flash mob for a 2 minute period with our masks/banners and traffic lights set up.

Those who then have lectures within the main hour can head off and those who are free for half an hour slots can stay around collecting petition signatures.

Be great if there’s quite a lot of us for the 2 minute stints as we’ll make a much larger impact!

So pop me a line, saying whether you’re free on the hour for 2 mins and then in the time slots of:

  • 10.30am, QMU, to help collect the traffic lights and set them up in time for the first mob.
  • 11am-11.30am
  • 11.30am-12pm
  • 12.30pm-1pm
  • 1pm-1.30pm
  • 1.30pm-2pm.

Read the rest of this entry →

Updates (Week of October 10th)

Hello all you good Amnesty folk,

I’m going to try and keep this nice and short..!

What ya’s need to know:

* Cake stall, Monday 11th and Wednesday 13th, 11-2, outside QMU.
* LETTERS – Glasgow vs. Edinburgh letter-off this week (WE MUST WIN!)
* Post box, Monday onwards, SRC building (John Mac) by the vending machines.
* Weekend away – 15th-17th www.justgiving.com/GU-Amnesty-International
* Tuesday 12th meeting – Letter writing, biscuits and a musical playlist.
* Tuesday 19th meeting – Armando Rotondi, The House of Sharing, guest speaker.
* Monday 25th October – Protect the human gig, 13th note, 8.30pm, £3.50.

Just a short version this week-more info on the gig night to come soon and those heading away i shall e-mail separately with all final details.

So I’ll just finish by saying please please get everyone you know to write letters, sign letters, come get cake, post letters into our box etc. Let’s go beat Edinburgh, good and proper!

GU Amnesty.

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Burma 8-8-88

Today is the 22nd anniversary of the 8-8-88 protests, when hundreds of thousands of peaceful protestors took to the streets to call for human rights and democracy. It was to end in bloodshed – a brutal crackdown by the ruling military junta would leave an estimated 3,000 people dead in the weeks that followed. The anniversary is still marked around the world.

The leader of the protests back then was Min Ko Naing. He was also involved in organising the protests in 2007. He is now in jail and is one of Amnesty’s priority cases. Sadly little seems to have changed over the years and the junta’s reaction to the protests back in 2007 only reinforced the point. Burma is a country where torture, slave labour and unfair trials are all common place. And there are estimated 2,200 political prisoners there.

Waihhin is a Burmese student living in London, and her father Ko Mya Aye was also involved in both protests. He is currently serving a 65-year jail sentence.

A good timeline of the events in Burma is available on Dipity.