Tomorrow’s meeting, sleepout, gig night and ceilidh!

February 27, 2012 in events, news, photos by Catherine

Hello Amnestiers!


See the full set of photos here!

Thank you and well done to all those who took part in the Arms Trade Treaty campaign on library hill on Friday. Your enthusiasm paid off as we collected dozens of signatures and more importantly, raised lots of awareness and interest.

This week’s meeting

This week’s meeting is in Committee Room 1 in the QMU, Tuesday at 5pm. In preparation for International Women’s Day next week (follow this link for more info:, we’re focusing on women’s rights in Saudi Arabia and on Amnesty’s new campaign to fight against the women’s driving ban in Saudi Arabia.

As well as this, we’ll take action for some urgent actions, and prepare a banner for the sleep-out on Friday!

Coming up

– Amnesty International and STAR sleepout, 2nd March on the steps of the Wellington Church: Our annual sponsored sleepout with STAR (Student Action for Refugees) is to raise money for Positive Action in Housing ( Its a chilly but brilliant night full of chatting, singing and attempted sleeping! Here’s the Facebook event page:

– GU Band Society gig in aid of Amnesty, Mon 5th March, 8pm, £4, 13th Note: The brilliant Band Society is putting on a gig in aid of Amnesty. We had one last year and it was a resounding success! Here’s the Facebook event page:

– GU Amnesty, Red Cross and STAR ceilidh, Thurs 8th March, 7:30pm, £4/5, QMU: Get your dancing shoes on- the annual joint charity ceilidh is back! All the money raised will be going to help Refugees at the Glasgow Refugee service. Follow this link for the Facebook event page: .

See y’all tomorrow!


Support a Bullet-Proof Arms Trade Treaty

February 9, 2012 in events by Rob Hallam

Monday 13th February, Boyd Orr LT D, University of Glasgow, G12 8QQ
Wanted – a bulletproof global Arms Trade Treaty

Scottish arms control campaigner, David Grimason, will be joined by politicians, campaigning organisations and activists at Glasgow University on Monday 13 February, to launch Amnesty Scotland’s campaign for a global Arms Trade Treaty.

David Grimason, who has pushed for tighter controls on the arms trade since his two year old son Alistair was shot and killed in a Turkish cafe in July 2003, will speak about his experiences and involvement in nearly ten years of arms control campaigning.

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Ball Success and This Week’s Meeting

February 6, 2012 in events, information by Rob Hallam


Hi everyone!

The Secret Policeman’s Ball on Saturday night was a huge success! It was packed out and we made an amazing £1672.35 update: £2007.35!

A massive thank you to everyone who helped plan, promote, sell and came along- we did ourselves proud! We’re going to throw a wee celebration party sometime soon so I’ll keep you all in the loop about that, and some of the pictures are already up on Flickr.

This week’s meeting

We’re in committee room 1 in the QMU, Tuesday at 5pm.

We started watching Lord of War last week so we’ll continue watching that to keep in the Arms Trade Treaty mood! (see below for info about our upcoming event).

Coming Up

We’re hosting this Amnesty International Scotland event on campus. I’ve posted the official e-mail below:

Monday 13th February 2012, 10am – 11am.

Scottish campaigners launch Amnesty campaign

Scottish arms control campaigner, David Grimason, will be joined by politicians, campaigning organisations and activists at Glasgow University on Monday 13th February, to launch Amnesty Scotland’s campaign for a global Arms Trade Treaty.

David Grimason, who has pushed for tighter controls on the arms trade since his two year old son Alistair was shot and killed in a Turkish cafe in July 2003, will speak about his experiences and involvement in nearly ten years of arms control campaigning.

David Grimason said:

“It is incredible to think that we may finally be on the brink of delivering something that will prevent the devastating impact that the arms trade has on families around the world. After nearly a decade of governments saying that something must be done, now is the time to finally do it.

“It is up to our politicians to ensure that they put people’s lives ahead of profit, but it is also up to the people of Scotland to make their voices heard and demand that the UK is at the forefront of championing a comprehensive treaty on the sales and transfer of weapons.

“Every day more than 1500 people die from armed violence, the majority of these in countries which are not at war. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to really make a difference to the lives of so many. We have one shot, we must not squander it.”

Shabnum Mustapha, Programme Director for Amnesty in Scotland, said:

” It is mind-boggling to think that we have international treaties governing the selling of postage stamps, bananas, and even dinosaur bones. But when it comes to weapons and the impact that an irresponsible arms trade has on the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world, there are no controls.

“We need the UK government to stay true to their word and ensure that a treaty governing the sale and transfer of arms is comprehensive, is enforced and puts human rights at its heart.”

Monday 13th February marks the first day of a week-long conference where countries will debate how the final negotiating conference will operate, as well as some of the content of the treaty including aims and objectives, scope and reporting mechanisms. The final scheduled Treaty negotiating conference will be held at the UN Headquarters in New York from the 2nd until the 27th July this year.

Amnesty International is urging the public to increase pressure on the UK government by writing to party leaders and asking them to publicly commit to lead the way in securing a robust Arms Trade Treaty – for more

Amnesty International will be joined by Oxfam Scotland, Scottish Refugee Council and the Glasgow Human Rights Network. The event will include a panel discussion followed by a Q&A. Amnesty International will also launch its Scottish campaign briefing at the event.

Where: Lecture Theatre D, Boyd Orr Building, University Gardens, Glasgow G12 8QQ

When: 10am – 11am, Monday, 13 February 2012

So it sounds like a great, informative way to spend a morning’s hour! Other than this, we’ve got a ceilidh with STAR and the Red Cross in March, a band night and a club night in the pipeline; I’ll send you more details as I know them. As always, if you want to organise anything, have any ideas, or just want to get more involved, let us know!

Once again, thank you so much for all your help for The Secret Policeman’s Ball. All the hard work paid off – it was an amazing night!

See you tomorrow at the meeting!


Please join our Facebook group:

Secret Policeman’s Ball This Week!

January 30, 2012 in events, information by Catherine

Hello everyone!

Hope you are all well and happy.

Tomorrow’s meeting

We’re in Committee Room 1 in the QMU at 5pm. It’s on the third floor and if you’re lost we’ll have some Amnesty folk in the foyer to direct you!
We’ll continue looking at the arms trade, and start watching Lord of War, and Amnesty endorsed film about the trade. We’ll also get tickets sorted for The Secret Policeman’s Ball (which is this Saturday- eek!). If you took tickets away, please try to bring in the money to tomorrow’s meeting! If you have some spares, bring them back in, or if you can still sell some please keep them!

Coming up

– The Secret Policeman’s Ball 2012: THIS SATURDAY 4th February, 7:30pm. Our annual night of stand-up comedy and sketches is almost upon us! Loads of you having been working hard on this selling tickets, flyering, postering etc, and it’s the final push this week. If you haven’t got a ticket yet, do snap one up asap as they are selling faster now: here’s the online booking link:, and here’s the Facebook event page:!/events/195138300581324/. You can also buy tickets from the QMU box office!

– Arms Trade Treaty event with Amnesty Scotland: Monday 13th February: We’re in the planning stages of an event with Amnesty Scotland raising awareness about the Arms Trade treaty. At the moment we’re planning on having a few speakers, a debate and some interviews; as I get the details I’ll let you know! In the meantime follow this link for background information:

I’ll see you all tomorrow at the meeting or on Saturday at the ball!


Please join our Facebook group:

Second Meeting of 2012 and Update!

January 16, 2012 in events, information, news by Catherine

Hi everyone!

Sorry this mailing is a day late!

Thanks to those who came to the pub quiz with Mary’s Meals last night – we had a great turnout! Hope you had fun! I’ll let you know how much money has been raised when it’s all counted up.

This week’s meeting

This week we are back in Qudos in the QMU, 5pm, Tuesday.

We’ll continue to focus on Guantanamo Bay, then for some encouragement take a look at some Amnesty success stories over the last few months! If you’re new this semester, we’ll have a table dedicated to introducing the charity and society.

As well as this, we’ll crack on with Secret Policeman’s Ball planning!

Coming up

THE SECRET POLICEMAN’S BALL 2012, Saturday 4th February: Our biggest event of the year is less than three weeks away! If you’ve not heard of it, this is a night of stand-up comedy and sketches all hosted by the brilliant Billy Kirkwood- keep your eyes peeled for posters up around campus and in the QMU. Tickets are only £5 and are available from the QMU box office and online at snap ’em up!

Last week we had loads of people offering to help- thanks so much! We have thousands of fliers arriving this week so we need plenty more people to scatter them around Glasgow. Here’s the event page for more info:

We also want to hold a bake sale to help promote The Secret Policeman’s Ball and a Guantanamo campaign on campus, but we’ll discuss that tomorrow and I’ll send you more details if you can’t make it to the meeting.

See you soon!


Please join our Facebook group:

Secret Policeman’s Ball!

January 5, 2012 in events, news by Rob Hallam

The Secret Policeman's Ball 2012

The Secret Policeman’s Ball is back! On Saturday the 4th of February Glasgow University Amnesty International are hosting their fourth annual SPB: an award winning night of the best comedy Scotland has to offer.

We’re delighted to announce that double Bafta Award winning comedian Billy Kirkwood is back to compere for the fourth year running. Also giving you a lot to laugh about this year are: Graham Mackie, Chris Forbes, Sian Bevan, Barry McDonald, Des O’Gorman, Keir McAlister, Scott Gibson, and Jay Lafferty.

With a line up comprised of some of the best comedy talent in Scotland you barely need another reason to attend. But of course we’ve got one. The Secret Policeman’s Ball is a student-run benefit show being held in aid of Amnesty International. The work that Amnesty International does is vital in the fight against human rights abuses, and the positive impact that their work has is felt by individuals all over the world.

So join us for a night of comedy, laughter and high-jinks that’ll give you something to feel good about long after the show is over!

The Secret Policeman’s Ball 2012 is being held on Saturday 4th February at the Queen Margaret Union, University Gardens. Doors open at 7:30pm. Tickets are £5 and are available from the QMU box office and online at

Week 4 Weekly News and Updates!

October 9, 2011 in events, news by Catherine

Hello GU Amnestiers!

Hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend.  Was great to see so many back on Tuesday- and to have so much more space in Qudos was such a delight!  We’re back in Qudos, 5pm on Tuesday in the QMU.  After the vote on campaign areas last week, the two which came out on top were human rights in Burma and women’s rights, so these will be our campaigns for the next few weeks!

This week’s meeting

This week we’re focusing on women’s rights.  We’ll have three areas set up; one on women in Afghanistan, one on women in Iran, and another dedicated to banner making for all the arty types!  There’s loads of information on the AI UK website: and of course there’ll be loads to learn and discuss at the meeting on Tuesday.

Also, we’re having our second social at The Common Rooms straight after the meeting.  Please come along for drinks and FREE FOOD!!

Coming up  


– TOMORROW! World Day Against the Death Penalty on Monday 10th October: ACTION ON LIBRARY HILL 11-3PM.  We’re doing a visual action tomorrow, holding placards with death penalty prisoners’ names on library hill leading up to a table with a petition.  Please come along and get involved/support out first taste of activism this year!


- This Wednesday, 12th Oct, there is a film screening in The Arches about women’s rights in South Korea.  The tickets are £2, and the lady who is running the night is coming to the meeting on Tuesday to tell us more about it.


- Weekend away: please fill out the poll on Facebook if you want to come!  The dates are either the 21st-23nd Oct or the 4th-6th Nov, staying for two nights on Arran.  It will be a brilliant weekend and a great way to get to know one another!


– The Big Fun Run ( on Saturday 29th October: we’re hoping that many of you will get your running/walking shoes on for this 5k event- there’ll be more details closer to the time.


- The Secret Policeman’s Ball is confirmed for Saturday 4th February in Qudos- very exciting!  Billy Kirkwood is confirmed as our compere and in the next couple of months we’ll get going on a big publicity drive- there’s lot’s to do!  This annual night of comedy has been increasingly successful over the last couple of years, raising thousands of pounds for Amnesty, and we want to make this one the biggest yet!


–  As well as all this, there’s loads more in the pipeline: a club night, a freedom of expression night, Christmas caroling, and please tell us if you’re keen to organise something, or have a fundraising or campaigning idea.

If you’ve not been to the first three meetings, please come along- newcomers are always welcome. Our next meeting is in QUDOS, at 5pm, Tuesday, QMU.  

See you on Tuesday at the meeting and social afterwards!





Please join our Facebook group:

Second Meeting of 2011-12 Tomorrow!

September 26, 2011 in events, main by Catherine

Hi everyone! We’re back in committee room 1, 5pm in the QMU tomorrow. We’ve got loads coming up in the next few weeks so please come and get involved!

After this week’s events- the execution of death row prisoner Troy Davis in Georgia, USA- we’re going to take a look at issues surrounding the death penalty, Amnesty’s work regarding this and take some action on behalf of individuals suffering as a consequence of its existence around the world.

It was great to see so many new (and old) faces last Tuesday, looking forward to meeting more of you tomorrow!

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Busy First Meeting!

September 20, 2011 in events, photos by Rob Hallam


Thanks to everyone who came along to our first meeting, hope to see you next week and beyond!

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First Meeting of 2011-2012!

September 19, 2011 in events, information, news by Rob Hallam

Hello freshers and regular attendees all! We’d love it if you could come along to our first meeting of the 2011-2012 year tomorrow (Tuesday) 20 September in the QMU! This and subsequent meetings will be held on the third floor (take the lift or back stairs) Committee Room 1 at 5 PM. Please drop by and say hello 🙂

Afterwards (~6 PM), we will be heading to the Common Rooms on Byres Road for our first introductory social, so if you can’t make the meeting, please come along for that!

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