Avatar photo by Ruth

Meeting Tuesday 8th October: Let’s Get Down To Business

October 5, 2013 in death penalty, events, information, main, news, newsletter by Ruth

Hope you’re all having a good weekend!

If you missed my update earlier this week, our chosen campaign for October is LGBT rights with a focus on Russia. You can check the website for our full list of campaigns for 2013-2014, as well as all the campaign action ideas put forward last week.

I am trying hard to keep the newsletters brief, but there are just so many exciting things I don’t want to leave out. For those of you who are too busy to read it all, I’ve written a summary just for you.

  • At Tuesday’s meeting we are splitting the committee rooms according to upcoming events
  • The elections are taking place at 6pm with drinks afterwards at the Old Schoolhouse on Woodlands
  • LGBT events (scroll down)

Here’s the plan for Tuesday:

Committee Room 1 – Campaigns

‘End the Death Penalty’ demo preparation

Our first demo will be next Thursday 10th October, which is of course International Day Against the Death Penalty.  We have some banners made in previous years and some AK-47s (of the cardboard variety) that we can put to good use so we need everyone who is free on Thursday to contribute ideas for an effective demonstration on library hill. We will be bringing along paints, sheets and cardboard to continue from past creative efforts.

LGBT Rights in Russia

We will begin our first campaign with a photo action as suggested by someone last week. We will have Robert (our website manager) along with his super expensive camera to take photos of us sending messages of solidarity to LGBT students on our campus and in the wider community.  We can also use this photo action to send a message to the Olympic Committee which has ignored Principle 6 of the Olympic Charter which states:

‘Any form of discrimination with regard to a country or a person on grounds of race, religion, politics, gender or otherwise is incompatible with belonging to the Olympic Movement’.

Our third photo action shall be focused on Vladimir Putin’s violent persecution of the LGBT community in Russia which we discussed on Tuesday which, believe it or not, is the same day that it was announced that he has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.  A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE!!! Oh dear.

Committee Room 2 – Fundraisers

This room shall be finalising our list of events for the year and planning our first semester fundraisers:

Bake sale alongside Thursday’s demo

We still have GU Amnesty tote bags that we can have on the stall as well and hopefully more will arrive by Tuesday for us to paint.

Pub quiz in October

We need to finalise our date for this and delegate responsibilities for running the quiz.

‘Love is a Human Right’ gig night in November, for which I am pleased to say that we have already recruited some acoustic talent!

Nikola will be looking for help with poster designs for our pub quiz and gig night.

Elections for Ordinary Board Members

The elections will take place at 6pm. Anyone who wants to stand for OBM but can’t make 6pm, please get in touch either via email or Facebook and we will try to make some arrangements.

Afterwards we shall head to the Old Schoolhouse for some more socialising.

LGBT Events

The Glasgay festival has officially begun and there are a whole lot of events taking place between now and 9th November.

In particular:

Tuesday 22nd October – ‘Cured’ 7.30pm @ The Arches

‘Inspired by real accounts of conversion therapy, two performers, Julie Hale and Mary Gapinski, uncover the stories of four women in a brand new play about love, identity and The Golden Girls.’

I think this event looks really good and happens to take place on a Tuesday after our meeting – if people are keen then we can go as a group. Tickets are £8.

Equality Network and Scottish Transgender Alliance event:

Thursday 17th October – ‘Including Intersectional Identities Film and Discussion Event’ 2pm Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum

‘The films focus on Minority Ethnic LGBT and Disabled LGBT intersectional people and include their ideas on how services can better include them. A discussion about including intersectional identities in services will follow the screening.’

This event is free but places are limited. If you don’t have classes on Thursday at 2pm then give this a look.


Well done for making it to the bottom,


Avatar photo by Ruth

Today’s Meeting Summary

October 1, 2013 in campaigns, events, information by Ruth

Hey everybody,

Since some of you had to leave early, here’s a quick recap of what happened at the meeting today.

We voted for our campaigns for this year with the results as follows:

Our Campaign for the Year: Conflict Minerals as part of the Conflict Free Campus Initiative (CFCI), a creation of Enough Project’s ‘Raise Hope for Congo’ campaign.

First Semester Main Campaigns: LGBT Rights with a focus on Russia (October) and then Women’s Rights with a focus on India (November).

Second Semester Main Campaigns = Guantánamo Bay (January) and then Human Trafficking (February/March).

Although we appear to have more time next semester, the Secret Policeman’s Ball will leave us short on time for campaigns in February, which is why we opted for just two main campaigns again.

The full list of campaign suggestions were:

  1. Destitution and Forced Evictions
  2. Guantanamo Bay
  3. Right to Education
  4. Asylum Deeker and Refugee Rights
  5. Tibet
  6. LGBT Rights (Russia)
  7. Pussy Riot
  8. Human Trafficking
  9. Women’s Rights (India)
  10. Violence Against Women (in the UK)
  11. Organ Harvesting in China
  12. Conflict Minerals
  13. Death Penalty
  14. Water Rights/Land Rights

We will try and cover the remaining campaigns at various points throughout the year as one-off meetings.

I am very excited for our chosen campaigns! As I said, LGBT rights, human trafficking and
Guantánamo Bay have never been a main focus for GU Amnesty (not since I joined anyway) so it is
great to be doing these. For now though, here are the suggestions for our first campaign:

  • Day of Silence– ‘The National Day of Silence is a day of action in which students across the country vow to take a form of silence to call attention to the silencing effect of anti-LGBT bullying and harassment in schools.’
  • Events in partnership with LGBTQ+, the Equality Network (including something discursive),
    and the 4 student bodies but particularly GUSA and GUSSC in relation to a campaign in the run up to the Winter Olympics.
  • Attending events in the Glasgay festival.
  • A photo campaign in support of the LGBTQ+ at our university/globally and against Russia’s anti-gay crackdown and the Olympic Committee’s inaction.
  • ‘Love is a human right’ gig night, hopefully with the GU Band Society, as a combined campaign and fundraiser.
  • Visual demonstration on campus (somebody suggested creating an image using the Olympic rings and someone else thought of playing the Russian anthem).
  • Letter writing, as always.

These ideas were FANTASTIC and we will begin contacting the various organisations to see what we can arrange.

We will be having a bake sale outside the library next Thursday 10th October for International Day against the Death Penalty. We will need everyone who is available even if it’s only for a couple of hours to help run the stall and to take part in a demo. We will spend some time at our next meeting organising this.

Elections – we are hoping to start next week’s election at 6pm so that we still have time for a regular meeting. However, we will obviously double check at the start of the meeting to make sure that everyone who wants to run can stay from 6pm onwards, and if not we’ll begin before then.

Finally, it’s our Tibet meeting tomorrow in the Boyd Orr 6(6.30 start)-8pm. I’m glad so many of you are coming along, I’ll see you there.


GUU Disaffiliation and Tomorrow’s Demo

March 7, 2013 in actions, events, main, news by Martin Lennon

This week we held events focusing on gender based violence, harassment and assault. These are issues that we visit every International Women’s Day, but this year the talks on sexual harassment, assault and abuse as well as our workshops on taking action against it, felt particularly relevant on Glasgow University campus this year.


The treatment of the female debaters at this year’s ancients was shocking but unfortunately not at all surprising. The misogynistic abuse they received was part in part of a culture we live in where it is sometimes acceptable to judge women purely on appearance and where sexual and gender based harassment is normalised, where victims are told to expect it and where the perpetrators are excused.


For some reason this appears particularly acceptable within the Glasgow University Union. The incident this weekend was not an isolated incident; it is the result of a pattern of casual sexism and institutionalised condoning of sexism in the union – it didn’t start and end on Saturday night. The loyalty to the LAMB club, the bizarre pride of being the last single gender union in the UK, and the general aggressive laddish attitude that characterises many events at the union, have all had a part to play in the incident.


At the start of term we affiliated with the GUU because we wanted to try to be a presence across campus. We haven’t held any events there this term out of a mixture of practical concerns and because some of our members are very uncomfortable with this history and the culture at the union, but some among us maintained hope that the stories and image were exaggerated – the incident at the weekend convinced that last few that it hasn’t been.


GU Amnesty International is disaffiliating with the GUU, until we can see evidence of real change in the way it deals with attitudes to gender. After consulting our members, we do not feel we can credibly argue for respecting the human while having any relationship with a group so relaxed about disrespect and abuse towards women. We look forward to the day when we can campaign for human rights across campus and we hope the promised new code of conduct and equality training sessions can help change the culture of the GUU.


Until then, we urge anyone reading this to attend the demonstration tomorrow (Library Hill – 12pm) against all misogyny on campus, whether at the GUU, on bullying Facebook Pages or anywhere else.

Photos From The Secret Policeman’s Ball 2013

February 14, 2013 in events, main, photos, spb by Rob Hallam

As Martin said, the whole of Saturday was a great success. Thanks to everyone who made it possible; there were a lot of you who pitched in and made it what it was. (Photos after the jump) Read the rest of this entry →

GU Amnesty International takes over the QMU – this Saturday 10am to late

February 4, 2013 in events, information, main by Martin Lennon

p>Hey everyone, This week is the big one.

Our Scottish Student Conference, the Secret Policeman’s Ball and our After Party mobdro free download are all on Saturday. For one glorious day GU Amnesty International will take over the QMU. We’ll raise a lot of money, we’ll hear some fantastic speakers and we’ll have a nice wee boogie. Although Saturday is the climax of the week, we’ll still be in our usual place at the usual time hearing about another important Human Rights cause – tomorrow – 5pm – QMU – Committee Room 1.

This Week’s Meeting

Much of tomorrow is going to be us laying the final few plans for Saturday, but we’ll do our best to keep it as much like a normal meeting as possible.

– Debbie is going to give us a presentation about the IF campaign on human rights and poverty
– Siuan and Louise are going to be putting the final touches to the decorations for Saturday
– Elena and Me are going to sort out who wants to help out where on Saturday. There’s a lot of Mobdro Online TV setting up and clearing down we’re going to have to do on the day and the more help we can get the better for everyone.

GU Amnesty International takes over the QMU this Saturday

Amnesty International Scottish Student Conference: We’re delighted to bring you a day full of inspiration speakers and a fantastic opportunity to meet up with activists from all over Scotland. Starting at 10 we’ll have speakers on Scottish Gypsy Travellers, Falun Gong and guests from Amnesty International Scotland. The conference is on all day in Committee Room 1 so feel free to come any time. Secret Policeman’s Ball: Our pride and joy, the best comedy night on campus and the biggest student fundraiser in the UK. It kicks of at 7:30 pm in Qudos with tickets available on the door, but it could well be a sell out so I’d recommend getting yours early from the QMU Box Office or http://www.guamnesty.org.uk/tickets SPB After Party: We’re all going to head up to Jim’s after the comedy for a great night put on by GU Philanthrobeats and featuring some of the best DJ’s on campus. I’ll see you guys tomorrow, Martin

Avatar photo by Elena

Amnesty International Scottish Student Conference 2013

January 24, 2013 in events, information, main by Elena

This year it is Glasgow University Amnesty’s turn to organise the Amnesty International Scottish Student Conference!

The conference will be held on Saturday 9th February 2013, and consist of a one day event at Glasgow University open to all students interested in the work of Amnesty student groups in Scotland. We will be addressing a range of topics through discussions, guests speakers and film-screenings. This is a great opportunity to meet other like-minded student activists, learn more about Amnesty’s work and about human rights in general, and hear what the other student groups have been up to this year.

To round off the day GU Amnesty cordially invites you to THE SECRET POLICEMAN’S BALL 2013 – our biggest fundraiser of the year – it is a night of stand-up comedy held at the Queen Margaret Union, Glasgow University.

Accomodation can be arranged for all those wishing to attend the Secret Policeman’s Ball – please email and ask!

Facebook Event Page for the Secret Policeman’s Ball – https://www.facebook.com/events/319937054773907/

Please click attending on Facebook for the conference so we have a rough idea of numbers – https://www.facebook.com/events/424014144334609/


Date: Saturday 9th February 2013

Time: 10am – 4pm

Venue: Queen Margaret Union, 22 University Gardens, G12 8QN

Cost: FREE to attend (so just food and travel costs)

Questions? email us


On the subject of CONFLICT MINERALS… Congo Scots http://www.congoscots.co.uk/Pages/about.html On the subject of SCOTTISH GYPSY TRAVELLERS… Amnesty Scotland Jess Smith http://www.jesssmith.co.uk/ On the subject of FALUN GONG… Yu Yu Williams Including a FILM SCREENING of Free China

Refugee Rights, Destitution and SPB Publicity

January 21, 2013 in events, main by Martin Lennon

Hey everybody,


It’s nice walking around campus seeing the orange Secret Policeman’s Ball posters everywhere. Plans are pretty much all in place and we’ve even got tickets on sale both online and in the real world at the QMU box office. A fair few took tickets away last week to punt to their friends, so can you guys make sure that you bring either the tickets or, preferably, the money along to the meeting tomorrow – 5pm – QMU – Committee Room 1.

This Week:

It’s a really good topic this week, we’re going to be focussing on Human Rights for Refugees and focussing on the problem destitution especially in the UK and especially Glasgow. It is a real eye opening subject and one that has a pretty big impact on almost everyone who encounters it. It is at once a pretty sad indictment of the state of human rights in the UK and a pretty inspiring example of how some small groups are making a big difference.

It will mean a wee break in format though. No tables this week, we have a presentation and video followed by a postcard writing action.

Secret Policeman’s Ball Chat:

We’re getting closer and closer to the big day and its time to start sorting out who is going to flier where and when. If you want a piece of the fliering action please fill in rota on the Doodle here:

Coming Up:

  • Secret Policeman’s Ball – 9th February
  • Lecture by  Kate Allen, Director of Amnesty International UK – 31st January

See you tomorrow,


Syrian Day of Action

July 24, 2012 in events by Rob Hallam

Plea for Help from Amnesty Scotland – We are looking for people to help us with an action THIS Saturday (Saturday 28th July) to highlight the fact that it is 500 days since the uprising in Syria began. We need 24 people – the amount of people who have died every day since the brutal crackdown began. The action till take place outside the Russian Embassy – 58, Melville St., Edinburgh, EH3 7HF, UK – at 10am.

If you could turn up at 9:50am with MENA t-shirts if you have them (if you don’t, it doesn’t matter we have some), that would be brilliant. Will be well and truly done by 10:30am.

If you can help, please email shabnum.mustapha@amnesty.org.uk and let her know you can make it (as soon as possible please).


GU Amnesty @ Pride 2012

July 15, 2012 in events, photos by Rob Hallam

Pride yesterday was great; good fun, brilliant atmosphere! Thanks to all who came along, we’re proud of you all 🙂

You can also see the photos on Google+ and Facebook


Refugees and the Arms Trade: Running Away From the Problem

June 15, 2012 in events by Rob Hallam

If any of you are like me and still kicking around Glasgow (or even still on campus) and missing the weekly Amnesty goodness you might enjoy this event by Amnesty Scotland next Friday at 1745 in the GUU: https://www.facebook.com/events/280172525414000/

Read the rest of this entry →